The Glacier Point Wilderness Excursion out of Haines (Pop. 2400 people, 1897 dogs, 4000 eagles, and 260 species of birds) gave us a chance to see a glacier up really close by canoe. We took the Chilkat Express for a 30 minute 40 MPH+ trip to Glacier Point and then bused and walked to a remote camp, donned wet gear and canoed to within feet of the glacier. The fall flowers along the way were a treat to see up close. Our up close look at the glacier included spotting three climbers going up the face of the ice. Back in Haines we did spot an eagle, up close finally, in a tree along the main road from the pier to downtown. The Tlingits were the first settlers to the area and called Haines ‘Dei-shu’ meaning “The End of the Trail”. The area is still rich with Tlingit culture and history.