
Our Country Coach has a Caterpillar engine, which qualified us to join the CAT RV Club. We participated in their 4-day rally near Charleston, SC. The rally, attended by close to 70 coaches of assorted brands, was full of RV maintenance and coachkeeping tips, good food, fun, games and great people. The Club was looking for new newsletter editors and all Jeanne and I had to do was remark at dinner that we kinda had experience in newsletters, and so-be-it. Our first issue as editors comes out this April and highlights the Charleston Rally.
There was ample time to see the area - The Battery, antique shops, good restaurants for lunch, and historic buildings. Near the Visitors Center we found a model of the submarine CSS Hunley. The H.L. Hunley was the first submarine in history to sink an enemy ship. This feat was not duplicated for forty years (World War I). The Hunley sank in the Charleston harbor after sinking a Union ship. After 131 years on the floor, the Hunley was found by a group of marine archeologists led by Clive Cussler. We think the Hunley was Cussler’s inspiration for his book and the movie Sahara.
We took a tour boat out to Fort Sumter. The first shots fired in the American Civil War were fired here towards Fort Moultrie. Located in Charleston harbor, Fort Sumter was the fuse that lit the powder keg known as the Civil War.