We both end 2011 in good health. The hilly terrain our house sits upon gets the heart pumping, keeping us in pretty decent condition. The snowy February photo gives you an idea of our up and down terrain. Like many of you, we are concerned about the economy as well as many of the decisions our government has made in recent years. When will rational thinking appear in Washington?
The big home project this past year was a deck just beyond our screened porch (under construction in the photo) - we spend a lot of time outside here! For fun we white-washed it an off-white with watered down latex paint. Lee calls the color ‘bird-poop white,’ a wise choice we think. One of our favorite visitors, a Pileated Woodpecker, stops by periodically for some seed.
We had three motorhome adventures in 2011, which we'll share with you in the following photo reviews. How do we define retirement? Enjoying house and garden, plus motorhome travel to see family, friends, and this great country. We also read (Kindles) a lot, Jeanne continues to quilt (the photo here of one of her works over our bed) & Lee is active in motorhome clubs/publications.
We also went to our share of Branson shows. As 'locals' we get a nice discount, and were treated to Ann Margaret at the Andy Williams Theater as well as the Lennon Sisters.